Dental News

Three signs you might have a cavity.

November 15, 2019

Three signs you might have a cavity.

Cavities are damaged areas on a tooth caused by bacteria. The hard enamel outer layer of the tooth becomes damaged as the bacteria secretes acids to breakdown enamel. As the cavity spreads, deep into the tooth, it may cause pain and discomfort because the pulp or nerve is irritated. If proper oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing is not practiced daily, you can be at high risk of developing cavities. With that in mind, let’s look at the three signs that you should not ignore if you are concern about cavities.

You are unaware that the pain on your jaw is due to cavities.

Cavities are very common occurrence among children and adults. As the cavity develops, you might not feel any pain or notice the cavity. If a toothache comes on suddenly, this is a possible indication that you might have a cavity. Once the cavity starts, it just keeps spreading deep pass the enamel layer into the dentin layer. As the cavity breaks into the dentin layer, you might start to feel increase tooth sensitivity. The sharp throbbing pain you feel when you have a toothache is caused by infection of the pulp nerves. In some cases, the cavities might not even cause discomfort. To be sure that the pain is due to a cavity, you should see a dentist. A dentist will help diagnosis the problem and help come up with a treatment plan.

Increase tooth sensitivity when eating or drinking hot and cold foods.

If you are experience tooth sensitivity frequently, this is another sign that the tooth might have a cavity. It can be very difficult to determine if the sensitivity is cause by cavities or just normal tooth sensitivity. Some people have more sensitive teeth than others and when a cavity develops, it can be very difficult to tell the differences. The tooth sensitivity people feel is cause by exposed dentin when the hard enamel layer starts to thin. In the case of cavity, the enamel has completely dissolved and the dentin layer is exposed. The exposed dentin allows hot or cold foods to agitate the nerve. This is why you feel the sharp pain. Once the cavity gets to this stage, the cavity is likely very server and a root canal is necessary to treat the cavity.

You can see the cavity.

The most obvious sign you have cavity is if you can see a dark patch on your teeth and have toothaches. When a cavity starts to form, the cavity can be difficult to spot because cavities starts as small white spots. When the hole gets larger and starts to decay, the hole becomes discolored. This is a clear sign that you have a cavity requiring treatment.

If you suspect that you might have a cavity, please give California Dental Group a call (800) 407-0161 to schedule your appointment to have that cavity check out.

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