Dental News

Three Factors to Consider as You Search for the Perfect Mouthwash

January 6, 2021

Three Factors to Consider as You Search for the Perfect Mouthwash

If you have taken a walk down the mouthwash aisle in the last few years, then you know that there are seemingly millions of options out there. If you are overwhelmed by the sheer number of options and not sure which one to pick, just ask your dentist at your next dental cleaning and exam . You can also keep reading to check out some of the factors to consider. Then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with a dentist.

  1. Clarify Why You Want the Mouthwash
  2. While we do recommend mouthwash to get rid of anything between your teeth or at your gumline that is not removed by regular brushing and flossing, you might have another reason for getting mouthwash. Whatever that reason is, keep it in mind as you decide what mouthwash to choose. Are you looking to improve your breath? Do you want a whitening wash? Whatever your specific concerns are, you can likely find a mouthwash that is made specifically to address them.

  3. Determine How Important Flavor is To You
  4. It used to be that most mouthwashes were flavored with mint. This is not longer the only option. Some people like a “strong” mouthwash that brings an intense sensation, such as Listerine. Others like a version that is virtually tasteless and feels like they are swishing water around in their mouth.

    You can expect that you will find most major brands in mint, cinnamon, and peppermint, but there some interesting flavors out there. Just don’t expect to find bacon-flavored mouthwash – while Scope did announce they were going to bring one to market, it turned out to be nothing more than a clever April Fool’s Day joke.

  5. Decide if You Want Fluoride
  6. Fluoride has consistently been shown in studies over the last many decades to help keep teeth strong and healthy. This is why it is in much of the tap water in the country and why it is in most mouthwashes. There is currently no research to indicate that fluoride is harmful or has side effects that outweigh the benefits. That said, some people do feel comfortable using products that contain it.

We Can Help You Determine the Right Mouthwash for Your Needs

There can be so many options that it is overwhelming. If you are in this position, don’t worry – we can help you. Just contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with your dentist. After your exam and cleaning, we can recommend the best mouthwash for your specific needs.

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