Dental News

The Truth About Flossing: Is it Really as Important as You’ve Been Told?

August 19, 2020

The Truth About Flossing: Is it Really as Important as You’ve Been Told?

It is much more common for a person to brush their teeth the recommended two times daily than for a person to floss once daily, which is also recommended. Why is this? There are many reasons, including the fact that many people are not sure that flossing is really all that important. Continue reading to determine if this is true and be sure to contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you need a cleaning and exam.

The Results of Flossing Are Often Invisible

If you do not brush your teeth for a week, you will likely have visible plaque buildup, bad breath, and obvious issues with your teeth. This is what prompts people to consistently brush – because they can see the results if they do not. On the other hand, unless you have a piece of food stuck between your teeth that you can feel or see, it might seem that flossing doesn’t make much of a difference at all.

Can You Guess What Percentage of People Floss Daily?

The American Dental Association has found that about half of people floss daily. The other half either floss less often than each day, or not at all. Many of these people will have healthy teeth and gums for many years. They might not experience gum disease or other

The Importance of Flossing Might Surprise You

Most people think that flossing is important to get things out from between their teeth. While this is one way that flossing can help, it is not the main advantage. The real reason to floss is that it helps to prevent plaque from building up on your teeth.

What Exactly is Plaque?

You might wonder: Why do I care if my teeth have plaque on them? This is because many people do not understand exactly what plaque is. It is a yellowish colored biofilm that attaches to your teeth. If left too long without being removed, it can result in gum disease and tooth decay. One interesting thing to note is that your teeth are the only part of your body that do not shed. This allows plaque to accumulate and stay there until it is removed. Flossing is one way to remove it.

Floss Before You Brush Your Teeth

It is very common for a person to brush their teeth and then floss, but this goes against best practices. Though the American Dental Association claims that either way is fine, they also say that flossing before you brush can better allow the fluoride in your toothpaste to get in between the teeth.

If you need help learning how to floss, or if it has been more than six months since your last dental visit, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to set up an appointment.

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