Dental News

The Truth About Dental Visits: Do You Really Need a Cleaning and Exam Twice a Year?

July 19, 2021

The Truth About Dental Visits: Do You Really Need a Cleaning and Exam Twice a Year?

For many years, conventional wisdom said that you should visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup. New studies, on the other hand, shows that twice-yearly cleanings may not be the best option for everyone. Recent research discovered that seeing the dentist only once a year instead of twice a year did not result in any significant reduction in the risk of tooth loss among healthy people who had a history of good oral health in the past.

You may need to visit the dentist more or less regularly depending on variables such as your age, your dental health history, and certain other risk factors. Getting dental treatment that is personalized to your specific requirements is critical for preventing tooth decay and gum disease from progressing to the point of tooth loss and other unpleasant diseases. To set up an appointment, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 at your convenience.

Your Age Plays a Part

Children are not always the best at brushing and flossing their teeth. Since children are more likely than adults to acquire cavities, and since tooth discomfort can have a significant influence on children’s ability to concentrate in school, it is strongly advised to be proactive about children’s oral health. It is recommended that children visit the dentist twice a year in order to help in the early diagnosis and treatment of cavities and other oral health problems.

Senior adults may also find it beneficial to visit the dentist twice a year, or even more regularly, in order to assist them maintain their natural teeth for as long as they possibly can. When it comes to oral hygiene, professional cleanings are especially crucial for those who may be unable to floss or brush their teeth as effectively as they would want owing to dexterity or movement difficulties.

History of Oral Health Plays a Part

Because of hereditary factors, certain persons are at a higher risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer than they are in the general population. If you have a family history of these issues, if you have suffered with chronic gum disease, or if you have had several cavities filled, you should definitely avoid switching to a one-time-per-year dental appointment. Visiting your dentist twice a year can assist to ensure that any issues are detected early and that you receive the care you require to keep your teeth.

Other Potential Risk Factors

To name a few instances of risk factors for dental decay and gum disease, poor diet, smoking, and diabetes are all present. If you have any of the risk factors listed above, you should continue to see your dentist twice a year at the very least. Additionally, if you have a history of persistent gum disease or tooth loss, you may wish to visit the dentist more frequently for thorough cleanings utilizing the root planning and scaling procedure.

If you are ready to make an appointment today, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to find the California located most conveniently to you.

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