Dental News

The Consequences of Tooth Loss Are More Than You Might Realize

October 20, 2023

Tooth loss is a widespread issue affecting numerous Americans, with statistics showing over 178 million individuals missing at least a single tooth and 35 million without any of their natural teeth. These numbers are higher amongst marginalized and elderly groups, as they often lack access to necessary dental care for prevention and restoration. Failing to address tooth loss can lead to several complications.

Keep reading to get the facts about the truth long-term complications. If you would like to learn about options including dental implants and dentures, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161.

Aesthetic Concerns

An individual’s smile can be notably altered by missing teeth, detracting from their overall facial appeal. In cases where multiple teeth are missing, the face might develop a hollowed appearance. Such visible gaps can adversely affect one’s self-esteem, making them feel self-conscious. This can lead to reduced social interactions, especially among the elderly, possibly resulting in feelings of isolation and even depression.

Challenges in Communication

Pronunciation and articulation of certain words in English rely heavily on the tongue’s interaction with the top teeth. Absence of these teeth can hinder one’s speech clarity. Research indicates that a significant 88 percent of those with missing teeth face speech difficulties, with 25 percent experiencing severe impediments that restrict their social engagement.

Nutritional Complications

Dietary habits can be directly influenced by tooth loss, especially when a substantial number of teeth, including the molars, are absent. Molars play a crucial role in the chewing process, and their absence can restrict individuals to softer food items, which can lead to an unbalanced diet. Such dietary limitations can pave the way for health issues like obesity, heart conditions, and diabetes.

Jawbone Deterioration

A significant consequence of long-standing tooth loss is the weakening of the jawbone. The tooth root plays a vital role in stimulating the jawbone, maintaining its density. In its absence, the bone starts to recede. Studies indicate that the first year after tooth loss can see a decline in bone width by 25 percent in the affected area, with further deterioration as time progresses.

The Comprehensive Solution: Dental Implants

To address tooth loss, there are several alternatives available, including crowns, dentures, and dental implants. While crowns and dentures can rejuvenate a smile and restore chewing function, they may not be a complete solution. For instance, dentures can temporarily intensify speech challenges, and neither crowns nor dentures can prevent jawbone loss.

Dental implants, on the other hand, present a holistic solution. Comprising titanium, these implants bond with the jawbone, arresting bone loss and providing a robust base for the replacement teeth. They are versatile and can replace single or multiple teeth or even an entire dental set. For comprehensive information on dental implants and their benefits, connect with California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161.

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