Dental News

Navigating Dental Dilemmas: How to Deal with Chipped or Broken Teeth

September 25, 2023

A delightful smile is your ticket to the world, but a chipped or broken tooth can abruptly halt this joyous journey, leaving you with a frown instead. Several culprits play their part in leading you to this dental dismay—be it cavities, an accidental bite on hard substances like ice cubes or candies, trauma to the face, inadequate oral care culminating in thin enamel, or the stealthy act of teeth grinding.

Keep reading to learn about what you can do if this occurs. Then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you need help with cosmetic dentistry or other dental needs.

Seize the First Response Initiative

Upon facing the unpleasant surprise of a chipped or broken tooth, your dentist should be your first port of call. Neglect could invite further damage or infection, potentially resulting in tooth loss. However, while awaiting your dental appointment, a few self-help measures could come handy.

Employ over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or an ice pack application to the affected area to combat pain and swelling. Rinsing with salt water not only soothes the area but also evicts unwanted bacteria. If the broken tooth has left sharp edges, covering them with wax paraffin or sugarless gum can prevent cuts to your cheeks or tongue.

Navigating Through the Dental Restoration Voyage

The professional intervention of your dentist at California Dental Group is paramount, where the strategy deployed will hinge on the extent of the damage. The journey of restoring your tooth’s glory ranges from simple polishing to more involved procedures.

Sailing Through Minor to Moderate Chips

Minor chips may not ring the dental emergency alarms, especially if they are devoid of severe pain. Your dentist may smoothen tiny chips with dental instruments, eliminating any rough edges that could be bothersome. Dental bonding is often the hero for small to moderate chips, although over time, this bonding material may require a revisit for replacement or repair. For a more enduring solution, porcelain veneers stand as a sturdy alternative, promising a lasting resolution compared to dental bonding.

The Expedition for Large Chips

A larger chip demands a more detailed roadmap. It’s wise to preserve any broken pieces as, more often than not, your dentist might reunite them with your tooth using dental bonding. If the roots remain unaffected, a full crown could restore the tooth’s aesthetics and function. However, if the ordeal extends to the nerve or blood vessels, the pathway of root canal followed by a crown placement awaits you, necessitating prompt attention.

The Odyssey of Mending a Broken Tooth

A broken tooth that declares its agony with sharp pain and bleeding requires immediate action. Secure the broken fragment and head to California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 without delay. The treatment narrative varies— if the breakage is above the gum line, a combination of root canal and dental bonding or crown could resurrect your tooth. However, if the calamity extends below the gum line, extracting the tooth might be the unfortunate yet necessary route.

Retake the Reins of Your Dental Charm

The predicament of a chipped or broken tooth can snatch away your endearing smile momentarily, but with expert care from the professionals at California Dental Group, hope and your smile can be restored. Don’t let a dental misadventure dictate the narrative of your oral aesthetics. Reach out to California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161, and let’s charter a course towards restoring your enchanting smile, making the tale of the chipped or broken tooth a story of the past.

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