Dental News

Learn the Basics of Getting Veneers from Your Southern California Dentist

March 3, 2023

Learn the Basics of Getting Veneers from Your Southern California Dentist

Are you considering cosmetic dentistry to whiten your smile? Veneers are one procedure that might help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Here is some helpful information regarding obtaining veneers. After you learn about them, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with your local dentist.

What Veneers Can and Cannot Do

Several aesthetic issues, including stains, unevenness, gaps, cracks, chips, worn edges, and weirdly shaped teeth, can be concealed with veneers. Yet occasionally, these issues could be too serious for veneers to cover. For instance, significant stains may still be visible through the veneer, and orthodontic treatment may be required to straighten teeth with particularly big gaps or crooked teeth.

How Veneers Are Installed

Veneers are permanently attached to your teeth using a special dental adhesive. To make place for the veneer and make sure it rests against the gums like a natural tooth would, it is typically essential to remove some of the tooth’s surface. To encourage a better adhesion with the veneer, the tooth surface may also need to be etched.

Veneer Types

There are numerous veneer types and manufacturers to pick from. Generally, porcelain veneers are the ideal option since they most closely resemble real tooth enamel. You could also want to think about picking a brand like Lumineers, which makes extremely thin veneers that frequently can be positioned without removing any tooth structure.

Purchasing Veneers

Sadly, because veneers are a cosmetic dental procedure, the majority of dental insurance plans do not cover them. Nevertheless, some insurance policies may offer a loophole: if you are replacing damaged existing veneers rather than obtaining new ones, you might be able to receive partial coverage for the treatment as a restorative surgery. If you’d like, our staff can assist you in speaking with your insurance provider about this possibility.

It is frequently advantageous to use your HSA account for a little tax savings if you must pay out of pocket for your veneers. But we also provide financing options if you are unable to pay in full.

Having Veneers

In most respects, you can treat your veneers just like natural teeth. This means you need to brush them and floss around them carefully, right up to the gum line. You will want to be extremely careful about biting down on ice or other hard things that could potentially shatter your veneers.

Make a Reservation Right Away

Make an appointment with one of our knowledgeable cosmetic dentists now to learn if you are a good candidate for veneers by calling California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161.

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