Dental News

How to Care for Your Dental Implants in the Hours, Days, and Weeks After They Are Installed

April 19, 2023

A dental implant is an excellent solution for replacing one or more lost teeth. There are several actions you can take to keep it in good condition and keep yourself healthy once you have invested in this long-term solution. You can read on to learn five measures that are crucial to follow after a dental implant in addition to the particular aftercare instructions we will provide you with when you have your implant completed at California Dental Group.

Leave it Alone

If you’ve had dental surgery in the past, you’re probably aware of how sensitive your mouth can be following an operation. As far as possible, you should refrain from handling or otherwise disturbing the appearance of your implant until it has fully healed. You should resist the impulse to touch or tamper with the area even if it could feel tender and weird at the same time. If you do, it can actually make the healing process take longer.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

For the first several days following surgery, refrain from swishing any kind of liquid around in your mouth. Avoid consuming hot meals or beverages. For a few days, eating soft foods will probably be more comfortable for you, but even then, try to avoid the implant area if at all possible. After dinner, clean it.

Avoid Being Alarmed by Common Responses

Swelling is typical. Mild bleeding is typical. You shouldn’t worry about these problems. Apply ice packs to the outside of your face if the swelling bothers you. If it bleeds, dab the blood away from the wound with gauze. Speak with your doctor if bleeding or swelling persists for more than a few days.

Keep the Injured Area Clean

Make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your mouth clean in the days after the procedure. Your dentist is likely to give you mouthwash. Use this on the day of your procedure and for at least a week thereafter. On this, heed your dentist’s advice. As soon as you are able, you should brush normally; however, you should exercise caution near the afflicted area.

As Soon as You Can, Start Brushing and Flossing Normally

The fact that dental implants resemble natural teeth so closely and should be treated as such is one of the many factors contributing to their popularity as a form of cosmetic dentistry. To ensure that they last as long as possible, it is crucial to brush and floss them just like you would conventional teeth. Although they are a long-term fix, the implants might not hold up if the gums are allowed to degenerate.

Do you have any inquiries regarding dental implants? Are you prepared to begin? Do you wish to learn more about alternative tooth replacement options? To schedule an appointment, call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 right away.

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