Dental News

Have You Scheduled Your Child’s Back to School Dental Visit Yet?

September 1, 2015

It’s not too late to get the care your child needs to set the stage for a successful school year.

Have You Scheduled Your Child’s Back to School Dental Visit Yet?There’s a lot to do to get ready for a new school year, from buying new clothes and supplies to enrolling your child in after school programs. And considering that the end of summer tends to sneak up so quickly, it’s no surprise if you have forgotten a task or two.

For example, did you remember to take your child to the dentist for their semi-annual cleaning and exam? If not, we encourage you to call one of our convenient clinic locations to make an appointment.

Oral Health Affects School Performance

Routine dental care is extremely important for preventing kids from developing painful dental issues. At the semi-annual visit, the dentist will thoroughly examine the child’s teeth to detect any small problems—like a minor cavity or gum disease infection—that may not be causing pain now, but could easily cause pain in the future if untreated.

By getting this preventative care, you can not only save your child from pain and discomfort. You can also help them do better in school. According to the World Health Organization, poor dental hygiene can make kids get lower grades. They may not be able to concentrate because of dental pain, or they may have to skip school to get emergency care.

Don’t let this happen to your child! Instead have them visit one of the caring dentists at California Dental Group. We can provide gentle, kid-friendly cleanings and thorough exams, as well as advice and encouragement for proper oral hygiene at home. We can also provide any restorative treatments that may be needed to correct problems like cavities.

We Can Fit Into Your Schedule

Most parents try to get one of their kids’ two annual dental visits done during the summer because that way the child doesn’t have to miss any school. But, the parent may still need to miss work! At California Dental Group, we have multiple clinic locations offering a variety of appointment times including Saturday, Sunday, and evening appointments. This makes it entirely possible to schedule an appointment at a time when your child won’t have to miss school and you won’t have to miss work.

Why not schedule a dental cleaning and exam for yourself right before your child’s appointment? It’s a great way to set a good example and keep your teeth and your child’s teeth clean and healthy.

Please call the clinic location of your choice now to make your appointment.

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