Dental News

How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies

February 11, 2017

How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies No matter how often you visit your dentist or how careful you are to follow good oral hygiene rules, the reality is that everyone can suffer a dental emergency at some point. At California Dental Group, we encourage you to call us if any of these issues come up. However, we also want you to know how to handle the situation. Read on and then contact us at (800) 407-0161 to make your appointment.

Your tooth is knocked out

This is a situation that requires you to immediately contact your dentist. If you can get help with an hour, then it will be much easier to implant the tooth and ensure that your smile is maintained. To further improve your chances, recover the tooth, rinse away any debris without scrubbing the tooth, and then put the tooth between your gums and your check. Keeping it moist in your mouth is the best way to transport it but if that’s not possible, then wrap it in a cloth that’s been soaked in milk.

Your tooth is loose

If your tooth is significantly lose and has moved inward or outward, use the tip of your finger to very gently apply pressure. Don’t force the tooth to go back into its socket. Get ahold of California Dental Group right away and while you’re on your way to our offices, stabilize your tooth by holding it in place with a moist tissue.

You break or fracture a tooth

In some cases, we can repair a tooth that’s been chipped or that has fractured. For the best chances, contact us right away. In the event that the tooth has been chipped, look for the piece that’s missing. If you can find it, pack it into a cloth that’s been moistened. This increases the chances that we can reattach it.

You should also rinse your mouth out with water and make sure you keep your mouth clean until you get to us. The best way for us to treat it will vary based on the type of damage and how severe it was. In some cases, we’ll simply smooth out an area that’s been chipped, while in other cases we’ll attach a crown.

You injury tissue in your mouth

If you’ve bitten, punctured, or cut your lips, cheek, or tongue, then you may experience bleeding. To stop it, grab a clean cloth and apply firm pressure to the damaged area. If you can’t get the bleeding to stop within 15 minutes, then you should either contact your California dentist or your physician.

No matter what type of dental emergency you experience, the above tips may help you handle the immediate aftermath but it’s still important to get help. At California Dental Group, we are here to ensure the overall health of your teeth and gums. If you experience pain, injury, or other issues with your mouth then we hope you’ll call us at (800) 407-0161 as soon as possible. We have numerous offices to ensure we can serve a wide range of clients.

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