Dental News

Flossing 101: Just How Important is This Daily Ritual?

October 6, 2021

Flossing 101: Just How Important is This Daily Ritual?

If you don’t floss on a regular basis and visit California Dental Group, we’re likely to notice and recommend that you do so. If you’re like most people, you’ll promise to do so, then forget about it after a few days and resume flossing intermittently.

We’ve discovered that many individuals feel flossing isn’t as important as we make it out to be, or that it isn’t required at all. Dentists, the American Dental Association, and even physicians are all in accord on this. Flossing can make a significant effect for a variety of reasons. Keep reading to learn what they are and the contact us at (800) 407-0161 to set up a dental cleaning and exam.

Flossing can help you avoid developing cavities

Brushing your teeth has several advantages, one of which is that it removes germs and debris that might develop cavities if not removed. The bad news is that your toothbrush can’t get between your teeth; floss is responsible for that. Flossing can help you clean all of the surfaces of your teeth and avoid the need for future filings.

Gum disease is less likely if you floss regularly

Have you ever wondered how we can tell if you floss on a regular basis? Paying attention to how your gums react to what we do in the clinic is one of them. If you floss regularly, your gums should either not bleed at all or only bleed a little. If your gums bleed a lot when we floss you, it implies you don’t floss on a regular basis. It might also indicate that you have gum disease.

If you have gum disease, it’s likely that you’re not flossing as often as you should be. That’s how successful flossing is in preventing gum disease: if you floss on a regular basis, you’ll practically never get it. Gum disease is caused by a buildup of debris, germs, and plaque in your mouth. Brushing and flossing eliminates these dangers.

Flossing helps to keep your breath fresh

Do you want to get a nasty case of foul breath? Although no one would respond “Yes!” to that, many individuals actually suffer from foul breath. You may pop breath mints and chew gum all day, but brushing and flossing regularly is one of the most effective methods to treat and prevent bad breath.

Flossing, in particular, helps to maintain a healthy balance of germs in your mouth. It eliminates it from your teeth’s surfaces. Food particles are also removed. Those food particles will ultimately break down and emit a foul odor if they are not eliminated. If you don’t floss, the food will rot in your mouth.

Cavities, gum disease, and poor breath are the last things anyone wants. The simplest way to avoid any of these problems from impacting your life is to call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 and schedule an appointment for a dental exam and cleaning. We can teach you how to brush and floss properly. Please contact us right away!

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