Dental News

Dental Implants Can Help Prevent Bone Loss and Keep Your Jaw Stronger

March 11, 2022

Dental Implants Can Help Prevent Bone Loss and Keep Your Jaw Stronger

Many individuals assume that dental implants are just for improving the appearance of your smile. We think that’s a good enough reason to invest in them at California Dental Group, but the fact is that there are numerous more advantages you may not be aware of. Consider the following: You’re not simply losing a tooth when you lose one; you’re also losing a piece of a complicated system. Your teeth rely on your jaw for stability, but your jaw, in turn, relies on your teeth to keep strong and healthy.

Bone loss can be prevented by dental implants

Bone resorption affects your jaw, just like it does the rest of your body’s bones. In layman’s terms, it means that old tissue gets absorbed into the jawbone. If the jawbone is healthy, new tissue is formed to replace the old tissue, which guarantees that your bones remain strong.

Your teeth are the signal that your jaw needs to continue creating new tissue. Your roots press against your jawbone every time you bite or chew. The pressure they exert causes your jawbone to continue to grow new tissue. Even removing one tooth might cause a section of your jawbone to stop producing new tissue. It might take as little as a year for your jaw to lose up to 25% of its bone density.

Dental implants can aid in the prevention of tooth loss

If you don’t have your tooth replaced, it may harm the teeth around it. Remember that, while your teeth are self-contained, they also support one another. You’re probably not conscious of all the little motions your teeth make on a daily basis, partly because they’re all in the same location and press against one another.

However, if one tooth is removed, the teeth around it may migrate into the empty gap. This can cause those teeth to become less secure in your gums, eventually causing them to fall out. This can set off a cycle of tooth and bone loss that might last a lifetime – and it can hasten the loss of your teeth.

What can be done to halt the bone and teeth loss?

Nobody wants to lose a tooth or suffer from bone loss. California Dental Group, on the other hand, can assist you. If a tooth must be removed, a dental implant is almost always the best alternative. There are alternative options, such as utilizing a crown rather than removing the tooth entirely, or having a bridge fitted.

Contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to learn more about your options and receive an assessment of which alternatives would be best for you. We’re here to assist you in maintaining a confident grin!

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