Dental News

Dental Dilemma: Preserve a Tooth or Opt for a Dental Implant?

July 24, 2023

High angle view of unrecognizable young woman holding tooth model during consultation in dentists office, copy space

Our teeth are marvels of natural engineering, capable of withstanding a wide range of temperatures, from freezing ice cream to piping hot soup. They persist in a bacteria-laden environment and can endure pressures up to 150 pounds per square inch. In addition, our teeth are expected to perform optimally for upwards of seven decades!

Despite this remarkable resilience, issues like bone loss in the jaw, decay, or injury can jeopardize their longevity. At this juncture, you’re often faced with two primary alternatives: preserve the tooth through root canal treatment or replace it with a dental implant. California Dental Group is here to provide guidance on this crucial decision.

Weighing Your Options: Gathering Comprehensive Information

No one-size-fits-all solution exists in this situation. Your unique dental health status significantly influences the most appropriate choice. Call us at (800) 407-0161 to schedule a consultation, during which we can evaluate your specific needs and offer tailored advice. In the meantime, we encourage you to gather as much information as possible on both root canal procedures and dental implants. Our team is ready to supply details and guide you towards reputable third-party resources like the American Dental Association and the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

Reflecting on Your Personal Requirements

Having collected the necessary information, it’s time to consider your own needs and preferences. A root canal might be the ideal choice if you’re experiencing severe pain, evident through symptoms such as swelling, tender gums, or a throbbing sensation. A darkened tooth could be an indication of an exposed nerve, another potential case where root canal therapy may be more suitable. On the other hand, dental implants, typically considered a last resort, tend to have a longer lifespan.

Comparable Success Rates: Root Canals and Dental Implants

A major reason we can’t unequivocally recommend one option over the other for every patient lies in the comparable success rates of both procedures. We define “success” as the duration for which the tooth remains stable post-procedure without needing further intervention. For both dental implants and root canals, the success rate is impressively high, exceeding 98%.

Ultimately, the choice rests with you. However, an informed decision requires a comprehensive assessment of your oral health and understanding the potential outcomes associated with each choice. Contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to explore your options further and take the first step towards improved oral health.

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