Dental News

Are You Thinking About Investing in Invisalign? Learn the Many Advantages of Doing So

August 29, 2022

Are You Thinking About Investing in Invisalign? Learn the Many Advantages of Doing So

Orthodontic treatment using Invisalign has become increasingly popular in recent years. These key advantages of Invisalign will undoubtedly give you optimism that you can have this treatment. If you are interested in finding out if this is the best solution for you, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to set up an appointment.

Hidden correction

For many, having a stunning smile is really important. You might be thinking if fixing mild to moderate misalignments in your teeth is truly worth the unsightliness and inconvenience of wearing traditional metal braces for years.

Well, you don’t have to choose with Invisalign orthodontics. In your mouth, the clear plastic aligner trays that are used to move teeth into their right places are practically undetectable. Nobody else than you needs to be aware that you are receiving orthodontic care. For adults or teenagers who don’t want to publicize the fact that they wear braces, Invisalign is a great solution.


The fact that Invisalign is often more pleasant than metal braces is another significant benefit of the system. While there will always be some discomfort associated with the pressure needed to move teeth, at least with Invisalign there are no metal brackets or wires to poke or irritate cheeks and gums. Because Invisalign is metal-free, it is also fantastic for people who have metal allergies or sensitivities.

Improved dental hygiene

It is significantly simpler to keep teeth and gums clean and healthy during treatment with Invisalign because the trays are removable. There is no requirement for specialized dental equipment and a time-consuming cleaning procedure around brackets and under wires. Instead, patients can remove their Invisalign aligner trays and continue brushing and flossing as usual.

No dietary limitations

One further advantage of Invisalign aligners is that you do not need to alter your diet at all while having your teeth straightened because you take out the trays when you are eating or drinking. Contrarily, individuals who wear traditional braces must stay away from extremely hard or sticky foods that could dislodge their brackets. In order to avoid having to bite into their meal with their front teeth, which would result in a lot of food getting stuck in the braces, they frequently also end up cutting up all of their food.

Call our orthodontist right away

You should absolutely think about Invisalign if orthodontic treatment is something you’re interested in. While many dentists provide Invisalign, seeing an orthodontist is your best option for treatment. This will guarantee that you receive professional guidance regarding all teeth-straightening choices, not simply Invisalign.

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