Dental News

The Truth About Fluoride: Can it Really Improve Your Teeth and Gums?

September 7, 2020

The Truth About Fluoride: Can it Really Improve Your Teeth and Gums?

It seems these days that everyone has an opinion but not everyone has the facts. This is why we suggest going to your dental professional if you have questions about dental procedures. Today we are going to discuss fluoride, a substance that is in most tap water and that some people worry will poison them. The truth is that it can actually be very helpful for your teeth. Read on to discover why and contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to talk to a California dentist.

Fluoride is a Chemical Compound

First, let us be sure we are on the same page when discussing fluoride. It is actually an affordable chemical compound. In most cases, it is sodium fluoride. It does not occur naturally but it very affordable to make, which is why it is so commonly used and put into tap water.

Fluoride Can Prevent Tooth Decay

There are many studies that show that fluoride can prevent tooth decay. That is why it is added to drinking water in many parts of the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fluoridating water was one of the ten best public health achievements of the 20th century.

Fluoride Can Be Found in Many Places

It is true that fluoride is often found in toothpaste due to its long history of being confirmed to have health benefits. However, you could be getting fluoride from other places too. For example, it is likely in the mouthwash you use. Your dentist might provide fluoride treatments in a gel or foam form. They soak into your teeth to help make them stronger. This generally requires the patient not to eat or drink for half an hour after the procedure.

Fluoride is Safe for Dental Use

Courts have repeatedly determined that there is no legitimate evidence of a connection between health issues and fluoridating water. It has been determined to be completely safe for dental use. If it was not safe, then your dentist would not suggest a fluoride gel or foam. As it is, if you are at high risk of tooth decay, are experiencing tooth decay, or have sensitive teeth, a fluoride treatment from your dentist could help.

Ask About Fluoride During Your Next Dental Cleaning and Checkup

If you are curious about fluoride or think that it might work for you, be sure to ask about it when you contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 for your dental cleaning and exam. We are standing by to set you up with an appointment and are taking special care during the complicated time of COVID-19. Call today and get your oral health taken care of.

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