Dental News

Is your Smile Aging You?

July 16, 2014

SmileFor decades people have tried to reverse the clock by slathering on expensive anti-aging creams, but it’s not only skin that can make you appear older. Your smile can too. A mouth that has strong white teeth set in a perfect symmetrical line will often make an individual appear young, healthy and vibrant. How can you make sure your smile lets you look as young as you feel? Here are a few tips to lead you to a lifetime of showcasing a dynamic, youthful smile.

 Get Rid of the Stains

The most common culprits for stained teeth are red wine and coffee, and unfortunately, stained teeth definitely make you appear older. Luckily, your dentist is a pro at removing surface stains with a professional teeth whitening. Not only will whitening enhance your beautiful smile, but it can also change the overall color of your tooth enamel, leaving your mouth looking whiter, brighter and younger.

Consider Bonding or Porcelain Veneers

By the time you hit your 40’s, your two upper front teeth can be as much as one to two millimeters shorter than they used to be in your 20’s or 30’s. This creates a thin, tight looking smile as you age, rather than the softer, fuller look you had when you were younger. To combat this sign of aging, talk with the dentist about elongating the front teeth with bonding. For a more dramatic look, you may even want to consider porcelain veneers.

Fix any Crooked Teeth

Over time, your teeth tend to shift around in your mouth and angle themselves inward. This shifting causes you to look older since the teeth can’t provide as much support to the cheeks, jaw and lips. It creates a gaunt, hallowed appearance to the face, instantly aging you. Speak with your dentist about Invisalign braces to gradually mold the teeth back into their proper (and youthful) position.

Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

To gain a more vibrant look and feel to your face and mouth, consider cosmetic dentistry. It can make skin look tighter, lips look fuller and your smile wider than ever, all without suffering a single incision mark.  By utilizing bonding material, veneers and crowns to build up some problematic teeth, your entire face can appear younger. People may even start asking you if you had plastic surgery done.  Of course, one of the best ways to ensure a young, healthy smile and appearance is by practicing good oral hygiene habits. Brush your teeth every morning and evening, floss daily and use a strong oral rinse to combat bacteria. Make sure to visit the dentist every six months to ensure the best possible health for your mouth and body. Not only will it help you look younger, but you’ll also be sporting a clean, fresh mouth too, which never goes out of style.

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