Dental News

Remember to Brush Your Tongue

August 5, 2019

Remember to Brush Your Tongue

You brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. But have you stopped to think about if you brushed your tongue? Your tongue is an important part of your mouth and should also be cleaned. It is a muscular organ in the oral cavity and accessory organ in the digestive system. Your tongue is made up of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, each with its own function.

Parts of Your Tongue and Its Functions

Muscles – There are four muscles in the tongue that form the shape of the tongue and help in its movement. The tongue can elongate and retract, it can elevate and lower the tip of the tongue, and it can also broaden and narrow its surface. The tongue movement is essential for helping you with chewing and swallowing your food. How the tongue moves also clears the oral cavity and assists you with your speech.

Blood vessels – There is a main lingual artery that divides into three branches to supply blood to the muscles in your tongue. In addition to the lingual artery providing blood to the tongue, it also supplies blood to the mucosa in the oral cavity and the gums.

Nerves – There are different nerves that help the tongue taste and feel. The nerves react to sensations by signals sent to them by the lingual papillae, which are the small bumps present on the surface of your tongue. The various types of papillae on the tongue are responsible for taste, sensation, saliva production, and drainage or cleaning.

Why You Should Brush Your Tongue

Your tongue is a complex organ and should be cared for appropriately. The tongue has bacteria and food particles that can become trapped under a thin mucous layer. Each time you brush and floss your teeth, you should complete your dental routine by cleaning your tongue. You can start by brushing the back of your tongue, and then work forward to the tip of the tongue. Brush the entire top surface of your tongue by applying gentle pressure. Finish cleaning your tongue by rinsing your mouth and tongue with water. You should clean your tongue once in the morning and another time in the evening before going to sleep. You can use the bristles of your toothbrush or try a toothbrush with a built-in tongue cleaner on the back of the head. Another option is using a tongue scraper that can provide a more thorough cleaning.

Be sure to keep your tongue and mouth healthy by keeping your regular check up with your dentist. Call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule your next appointment with us.

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