Dental News

Practical Tips to Help You Treat and Beat Halitosis for Good

July 14, 2021

Practical Tips to Help You Treat and Beat Halitosis for Good

No one wants to deal with bad breath yet thousands of people do. Learn the best tips to prevent bad breath and then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you are ready for your semiannual dental cleaning and exam.

Brush and floss your teeth more frequently.

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on your teeth and gathers microorganisms that produce foul breath. Food that has been trapped adds to the situation. At least twice a day, brush your teeth and floss at least once. If you’re worried about your breath, do both more frequently. But be careful not to overdo it. Brushing your teeth too forcefully can wear them down and leave them prone to decay.

Rinse your mouth out with water

Aside from refreshing your breath, mouthwash also provides additional protection by removing germs. The taste of fresh mint may make you feel fantastic. However, be certain that the mouthwash you select eliminates the bacteria that cause foul breath. Don’t simply mask the odor. Stop bad breath at its root by rinsing with a decent mouthwash on a daily basis.

Swishing your mouth with plain water after eating might also improve your breath. It can remove food particles trapped between your teeth.

Scrape the back of your tongue

The natural coating that develops on your tongue can serve as a breeding ground for stinky bacteria. Brush your tongue gently with your toothbrush to get rid of them. If your brush is too wide to reach the back of your tongue comfortably, use a scraper. This gets rid of germs, food debris, and dead cells that brushing can’t get rid of.

Stay away from items that cause bad breath

Onions and garlic are two of the worst culprits. Brushing your teeth after eating them, though, will not help. The chemicals that produce their foul odors enter your bloodstream and go to your lungs, where you breathe them out. What is the most effective method of resolving the issue? Don’t consume them, or at the very least stay away from them before going to work or seeing friends.

Quit smoking

Smoking may harm your gums, discolor your teeth, and give you foul breath, in addition to causing cancer. Nicotine patches sold over-the-counter can help you control your cravings. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss stop-smoking programs or prescription medicines that can help you quit smoking for good if you need it.

Instead of mints, eat gum after supper

Sugar is a favorite food of the microorganisms in your mouth. It’s used to create acid. This produces foul breath and wears down your teeth. Instead, chew sugarless gum. Gum increases saliva which is the mouth’s natural defensive mechanism against plaque acids, which cause tooth decay and foul breath.

Do you need additional help? Contact a dentist who can help by calling California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161.

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