Dental News

Learn Why It’s So Important to Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Gingivitis

January 27, 2017

Learn Why It’s So Important to Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Gingivitis When people think of gingivitis, they often think of a disease that’s relatively harmless with the exception of giving people bad breath. Many people don’t realize that it’s actually an early for of periodontal disease – which you likely know as gum disease. If you have signs of gingivitis and either don’t notice them or you do notice and decide not to see a dentist, your condition could get significantly worse very quickly.

Untreated gingivitis isn’t going to go away on its own

If you don’t have gingivitis treated by a dental professional, then it’s likely going to progress and become periodontitis, which is the most severe form of gum disease. This serious disease can actually lead to an increased chance of having a stroke or heart attack. Many people have no idea how their overall health can be affected by the health of their teeth.

The dangers of periodontitis

If you do end up with periodontitis, then you may need more than one dental cleaning if your gums are too infected. You may even have to see a specialist who can help you improve your gums. If you have a space between your teeth and gums that’s less than 5 mm, then we’re likely to treat the issue with scaling, which means we’ll get rid of the plaque and tarter. We may also choose to move forward with root planing, which refers to smoothing the surface of the roots themselves. This can help prevent tartar from growing back.

However, if you have a space that’s more than 5 mm between your teeth and gums, then you may need oral surgery.

How to avoid periodontitis

No one wants to get periodontitis yet many people feel as though it’s something that’s difficult to prevent. The truth is that following regular oral health tips can help you prevent these issues altogether. This includes, at a minimum, brushing twice a day and flossing once. Your specific instructions may vary based on what we find at your appointment.

If you’re concerned about your teeth, if you have symptoms of gum disease (like bleeding gums or tender gums) then today is the day to contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161. We are here to assess your oral health, provide comprehensive services to your entire family, and help you prevent future oral health issues.

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