Dental News

Invisalign Orthodontics Part 2: Disadvantages

April 23, 2015

Make sure you understand the potential disadvantages of Invisalign before beginning treatment.

Invisalign Orthodontics Part 2: DisadvantagesNow that you’ve learned all about the benefits of clear braces from Invisalign in our last post, it’s time to explore the disadvantages of this treatment. Hopefully none of these limitations will prevent you from being a good candidate for Invisalign.

Not for Baby Teeth

The first disadvantage of Invisalign is that it is not recommended for very young patients who may still have baby teeth in their mouths. Invisalign is designed to be used to straighten teeth only after all baby teeth have been lost and the permanent second molars have erupted. This normally happens in the early teens. So, if you have a baby tooth that has lingered long past its time you could still consult an Invisalign dentist.

Limited Tooth Movement

A more important limitation or disadvantage of Invisalign is that it can only help with certain types of tooth movements. If your case will require correction of any of the following major tooth problems, you are likely not a good candidate for Invisalign:

  • Teeth rotated more than 20 degrees
  • Teeth angled forward or backward more than 45 degrees
  • Multiple tooth gaps totaling more than 6 mm in your top or bottom teeth
  • Severe overbite
  • Tooth problems based in skeletal issues

Higher Costs

Because Invisalign orthodontics uses a series of custom-made trays to move your teeth, rather than bulk-order brackets, wires, and rubber bands, your Invisalign treatment will probably cost more than traditional braces. If you need to have your trays replaced or remade at any point during the treatment, this will increase your costs further.

Potential for Loss

The fact that Invisalign trays are removable is usually counted as an advantage of this type of orthodontic treatment. However, this removability can also present challenges if the Invisalign trays are ever lost. If patients are not careful to carry a special case with them at all times and keep a close eye on that case, it would be very easy to accidentally throw away Invisalign aligners placed on a tray in the school cafeteria or in a fast food restaurant.

Potential for Cheating

The removability of Invisalign trays may also create a temptation for patients not to wear their trays as much as they should. The trays are meant to be worn constantly, except when eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth. However, sometimes the pressure put on teeth by orthodontic devices can be very uncomfortable. With traditional braces, patients have no choice but to grin and bear it, but with Invisalign trays it is easy to take the tray out to “give yourself a break” and forget to put it back in.

Now that you’ve learned about the potential disadvantages of Invisalign, you should be prepared to make a smart decision about your orthodontic treatment. You can contact any of our dental office locations to learn more about orthodontic treatment options for your particular case.

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