Dental News

Five Simple Tricks That Can Help Your Children Improve Their Dental Health

July 21, 2021

Five Simple Tricks That Can Help Your Children Improve Their Dental Health

Being positive and upbeat about going to the dentist is essential to teaching your children the importance of regular cleanings and overall oral hygiene for the rest of their lives. It is easy to see that children emulate their parents, so maintaining a positive and upbeat attitude about going to the dentist is essential to teaching them the importance of regular cleanings and overall oral hygiene for the rest of their lives.

Maintaining a pleasant and peaceful approach when visiting the dentist yourself, as well as promoting regular dental practices in your children, will undoubtedly assist them in understanding the value of having healthy teeth. Here are a few simple strategies you may use to promote oral health for the rest of your life. If you are ready to make an appointment with a family dentist, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 today.

  1. Demonstrate to Them by Giving an Example
  2. There’s simply no better method to teach your child something than to model it for him or her from the beginning. Make it a point to show your children how to brush their teeth every morning and evening, and establish a pattern that they will not be able to break. It’s possible that you’ll wish to enlist the assistance of toddlers to clean your teeth. It’s only fair, given that you’re the one who does it to them. As they brush away at all of your teeth, allow them to hold the toothbrush and instruct them as they brush.

  3. Make it Enjoyable
  4. Make use of your child’s teeth-brushing time as an opportunity to engage and have fun with him or her. Inform your audience by telling a tale in which the characters are the toothbrush, the toothpaste, and even the plaque on the teeth. Make up fresh situations each day and night to keep your child’s interest and make cleaning their teeth and continuing the tale a fun experience.

  5. Go for the Glitz and Glam
  6. Children are fascinated by technological devices. Investing in a high-quality electronic toothbrush can help to inspire them to clean their teeth a bit more thoroughly or for a little longer period of time. It makes brushing your teeth enjoyable, quick, and easy while still being kind on your child’s delicate teeth and gums.

  7. Visual Aids Should be Utilized
  8. When it comes to teaching children to adopt excellent dental hygiene practices, visuals may be quite effective. Demonstrate plaque accumulation by showing them photos on the internet and using plaque disclosing tablets or oral rinses to show them spots they may have missed when cleaning their teeth. During your child’s routine check-up, you may also request that the dentist demonstrate some of the consequences of poor dental hygiene.

  9. Pass the Torch on to Someone Else
  10. As your child grows older, it will become important for you to hand over the reins and allow them to take responsibility for their own oral health. Most children are able to brush their teeth on their own by the time they are five or six years old, although they may still require supervision until they are seven or eight years old.

Establishing an alarm that goes off when it’s time to brush their teeth, or establishing a timer to ensure that they brush for a sufficient amount of time, can assist them. Your youngster will gradually come to realize the necessity of receiving good dental care as time goes on. Follow your own example and remember to schedule six-monthly visits for you and your family members. The dentist will assist in reinforcing good oral health habits across the entire family.

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