Dental News

Archive for August, 2020

Professional Versus Over the Counter Teeth Whitening Options: Which is Right for You?

August 5, 2020

Professional Versus Over the Counter Teeth Whitening Options: Which is Right for You?

If you have noticed that your teeth are not as white as you would like, whether due to natural yellowing that happens as people age, stains from foods and beverages, or due to any other reason, then teeth whitening might be an effective option for you. The question is: Is it better to buy an over the counter option or get professional teeth whitening? Keep reading for an honest assessment of the pros and cons of both and then contact …

The Truth About Plaque Buildup: Learn Why and How it Builds Up and What You Can Do About It

August 3, 2020

The Truth About Plaque Buildup: Learn Why and How it Builds Up and What You Can Do About It

Everyone has plaque in their mouths but some people have more than others. To learn what plaque is, how it forms, and why it might be building up in your mouth more than you know, keep reading. Then contact if you are due for a dental cleaning and exam.

What is Plaque?

First, let us consider what plaque actually is. It is a sticky film that can build…

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