Dental News

Ask a Family Dentist: Do Kids Really Need to Visit Every 6 Months?

February 2, 2018

Ask a Family Dentist: Do Kids Really Need to Visit Every 6 Months?

Every child is different and every child’s reaction to going to the dentist may be different. For some kids, the environment is fun. They get a new toothbrush and they get to meet new, nice people. Some kids are entirely comfortable just lying back in their chair for the entirety of the appointment.

On the other hand, some kids don’t like the dentist – and it’s not just kids. Studies show that as many as 10% of the United States population has some amount of fear of the dentist. If your child is afraid of visiting the dentist then you may be wondering if it’s really necessary for you to take them to the dentist every six months. The truth is that there are a few different reasons that it’s important. Read on to learn more and then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment.

Visiting the dentist every six months builds good habits for your child

First and foremost, remember that just like you need a cleaning and exam every six months, your kids need to build the habit of doing so in order that they will continue to do so as an adult. When you take your child to the dentist, listen to how your dentist talks to your child. They will let them know why it’s so important to take good care of their teeth, and cover at-home oral care so that your child can keep it up when they’re at home.

Only a dentist can clean off the tartar

It doesn’t matter how well your child brushes their teeth, or if they floss every single day. There are just some things that only a dentist can handle. One of these things is getting tartar off of the teeth. Remember that tartar is a type of plaque that hardens to the teeth. It’s made from food and bacteria and if it’s not taken care of, it will turn into gum disease and tooth decay.

We can check for cavities

Kids are more prone to cavities than adults are. If you’ve ever had a cavity then you know they’re not fun. They’re not a major concern, in most situations, and are fairly common. However, when your dentist can catch them early and take care of them before they become painful, not only will your kid skip unnecessary discomfort, but they won’t start out their life associating the dentist with pain.

We’ll make sure your child’s teeth are growing correctly

Babies generally start growing teeth as early as four months and usually by seven months of age. Around six years old, a child will start losing their baby teeth and growing adult teeth. It’s important to have a family dentist examining your child’s growth during this time. This includes x-rays to ensure that everything is progressing normally. If not, there are steps that can be taken to correct anything before it becomes a problem. Contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment.

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